Thursday, 3 December 2015

To The 14 Year Old Me

This is when you need attention most,
And I must give it to you
Cos no one did. 

No one noticed you were drowning. 
No one noticed  how deep you had fallen.
Or how close you were to giving up... 
On life,

But then, 
Thank you for running away from home - 
Those three days you wandered through the streets brought back sanity
That was lost already. 

Thank you for discovering that large tree 
In the middle of nowhere- 
My first source of inspiration. 
Thank you for taking  up writing, 
It helped clear my mind. 
It still does. 
Thank you for smiling openly and crying in secret 
It taught me to be strong on my own. 

Thank you for being shy
You helped keep my virginity till it was appropriate to lose it. 
Thank you for trying to commit suicide, 
Cos  now I know I've hit rock bottom before - 
Can't hit it twice. 

And most of all, 
Thank you for all the steps you took
To make sure I become who I am today 
The unconventional sadness that never 
Seemed to go away
You found a way to curtail it. 

                                    Miss Melancholy 


  1. As deep as always. Well penned. Very insightful and thought - provoking.

  2. Lovely piece darling. My cousin uses dt pen name too. Mr. Melancholy.

  3. Truthfully bold, I think that's character. Excellent. Welldone

  4. Thank God for the woman you've becum

  5. Nice nice nice, carefully thought out and well written.

  6. Woah! didn't know you're this deep, i'm crushing
