Monday, 21 September 2015


It was just one month since Bene broke off her engagement to her army officer fiancĂ©. Just one month, and she laid eyes on a man. He was not drop dead handsome but he was appealing to her. 

Ogli was much older but Bene didn't think it mattered. Besides, nothing was really going on between them. The chemistry was there, sure... Or so she thought. It was way too early to jump into anything but she did not deny how much she liked him. He quickly grew on her. 

His voice. His calm. His intelligence. His beautiful kids.. She loved it all. 'Bennie' he called her, 'I love your big head'. 

It was fun. He was fun. It felt good. Day and night, they kept in touch.. Voice notes,,, chat messages,,, phone calls... It was definitely bliss. 
With each passing day, love drew closer. And she readily,,, eagerly welcomed it. This was it, she thought. The butterflies, the glow.  He was her magic. 

But like they say, good things do not last. 
One moment they were having dinner, the next he was not talking to her. 

He did not pick her calls, did not return them either. No voice notes, no chat messages...  Ogli  was gone. But not from everyone. Just from her, his 'Bennie'. He was on Facebook and BBM constantly. But not a word to her. Not a reply to any of her messages. 

It hurt a lot and she cried. All day, all night. What hurt the most, what was heartbreaking was not knowing what went wrong. What did she do? What was he thinking? What happened? 
Not a word. 

Tonight, Ogli sent a broadcast and Bene got upset. How could he shut her out for days and yet include her in a broadcast.? She angrily told him not to send her any more broadcasts. How could he be sending them and not reply her own messages? 

Hoping for a reply, she went back online to check. The chat was gone. How? She searched but could not find it. Then she found out he was no longer on her contact list. 
It suddenly dawned on her he had deleted her. 

This time, the tears would not come. All she could do was stare,,  lost in her grief. 'Ogli' she muttered. It was all she could muster. She had never been this broken. 
All she had wanted was just an explanation.. Something she could hold onto. 
A reason.. To ease her hurt. 


  1. Hmmmmm, very touching.

  2. *clearsthroat* In my opinion, Ogli's a mofo. Fin

  3. Hey BF,
    Nothing irks worse than unfinished business. Or love lost without explanation.
    The beauty of this piece for me is how you left it open-ended and sentenced me to wonder in speculation.
    Well written.
    Well done.

  4. Probably Ogli sees no future with Bene, perhaps he thinks the acquaintance was a mistake. Perhaps haste bested the entire friendship, that he wishes to slow things down.
