Sunday, 25 January 2015

Things you're not doing right, Mrs!

                          'Sex is… perfectly natural. It’s something that’s pleasurable. It’s enjoyable and it enhances a relationship. So why don’t we learn as much as we can about it and become comfortable with ourselves as sexual human beings because we are all sexual?'                                                                                           .                                                                         Sue Johanson.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Reflections by David Miriam

 LIfe was a whole lot easier as a kid. No worries, playing around all day with your friends. No strife or hate, no need to worry about tomorrow because you were certain dad and mom would provide everything you needed. One didn't understand certain things and

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Our "Dream" Day (Thoughts on Wedding)

We've all dreamed of this special day... well, maybe not all of us. But the thoughts do seep in once a while. Who? When? How? Where?